The Groups

We are an involvement group for people with dementia, who work to help the local community, businesses and other organisations understand what it is like to have dementia and how they can best support people in our situation.

One of the things we have looked at is the problems with, and how to improve, bus timetables. This was as part of the DEEP your right to get out and about project.

Members of the group sit on interview panels for Alzheimer’s Society staff.

We meet once a month and welcome people with dementia who live in the Bradford district.

The group meets up and gets involved with a variety of activities that the group members themselves decide they want to do. We are also outdoors for some of the time as there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest that there are increased health and well-being benefits to being in the open air. Come and join us on our allotment! Our volunteers have already made great strides in getting it ready for the project. Ann and Brian were interviewed about how Budding Friends has helped them... Listen to an interview about Budding Friends with Ann and Brian
Contact us about Budding Friends and Carers Support Group
For more information please call Penny Unitt on 01392 202092 or email Penny will talk to you about the project to see if it's for you. Please give her a ring to find out more.

The Kirklees Dementia Hub provides information and advice including a guide called Live Life to the Full, Living with Dementia in Kirklees, which outlines the support available to service users in Kirklees.

Looking forward…

We have developed a new DEEP group (Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project) to listen to the voice of the person with a lived experience of dementia so that we can better understand the pathways to diagnosis, support and services.

The DEEP group have been working with artist Ian Beesley, poet Ian McMillan and cartoonist Tony Husband to create banners which depict the right to access appropriate services and support in Kirklees.  The banners will be unfurled on Friday 22 November 2019 at 1.00pm at The Brian Jackson Centre, for more information please contact


Oldham Dementia Carers Group 

A weekly social meeting place where people living with dementia and related conditions, their carers, family and friends can seek helpful support in a friendly informal environment

Alzheimer’s Society is the UK charity that campaigns for change, funds research to find a cure and supports people living with dementia today.

We provide a range of support services to help people affected by dementia find the right support, advice and information, at the right time.

Alzheimer’s Society, Ground Floor, 1 Albert Edward House, The Pavilions, Preston, PR2 2YB

T: 01772 788700

A Dementia Cafe for South Asian people in Leeds.
Hamari Yaadain, which means ‘Our Memories’ in some South Asian languages, runs twice a month on the first and third Thursday of each month from 1pm – 3pm at Touchstone Support Centre, Harehills Avenue, LS8 4EX.
The cafe is for people with dementia and their carers and is accessible to speakers of Punjabi, Urdu or Hindi.

We provide a refreshments with the opportunity to chat and receive support in mother tongue for memory, health and well-being. The group is attended by people from a mixture of South Asian backgrounds. Transport can be requested if you have limited mobility.

To find out more, please contact Ripaljeet Kaur (BME Dementia Worker) on: 0113 219 2727

The Young Dementia Leeds service is a partnership between Community Links and Carers Leeds and offers a range of wellbeing, holistic, mutual and peer support, connecting people to groups and activities within their community helping people to live well with dementia.

Our community based service offers 1:1 support or small group activities offering a short break for family and carers.

Carers Leeds provide specialist support for carers of people with dementia, offering carers peer and social groups along with signposting and advice for the families and carers.

The Young Dementia Leeds Hub offers day respite for younger people living with dementia, providing a structured programme of activities, taking a more creative, less traditional approach to day care.